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Sabine Roemer

Published November 21, 2021

Helen chats to master jewellery artist Sabine Roemer

Sabine knew at the age of 15 she wanted to design jewellery & work for herself. She shares fascinating stories of making a bracelet for Morgan Freeman for the Oscars; a golden corset for Angelina Jolie for the Maleficent 2 red carpet & reflects on precious time she spent with former South African President Nelson Mandela.

Sabine explains how she helped women in Botswana make a living, teaching them to make more sophisticated jewellery from ostrich eggshells & talks about the importance of giving back after surviving a terrifying cloud burst & devastating floods in India which destroyed entire villages & mountainsides.

Sabine Roemer with Nelson Mandela & Bill Clinton

Sabine Roemer jewellery

Sabine Roemer in Bostwana